Главная / Магазин / Безопасность мореплавания, спасение на море / Управление безопасностью / Использование крупных танкеров в сезонных однолетних льдах и в суровых минусовых условиях - 1-е изд. 2010 г. OCIMF на английском языке.

Использование крупных танкеров в сезонных однолетних льдах и в суровых минусовых условиях - 1-е изд. 2010 г. OCIMF на английском языке.

21 700.00руб.
The Use of Large Tankers in Seasonal First-Year Ice and Severe Sub-Zero Conditions, 2010
Section 1 – Ice Navigation Risk Assessment
Section 2 – Vetting for Ice Navigation
Section 3 – Commentary on Ice Class Notations
Section 4 – Engine Power
Section 5 – The Winterisation of Ships
5.1 Cargo and Ballast Systems
5.2 Deck
5.3 Engine Rooms, Machinery and Systems
5.4 Safety and Life-Saving Equipment
5.5 Fire-Fighting Systems and Equipment
5.6 Pollution Prevention and Response
5.7 Ice Accretion and Snow Accumulation on Ships
Section 6 – Navigation of Large Tankers in Ice
6.1 Icebreaker Escort of Large Tankers
6.2 Tug Support in Ice
6.3 Operations at Offshore Terminals
Section 7 – Oil Spill Response in Ice
Section 8 – Proficiency of Ship’s Crew
A – Some Useful Contact Websites
B – Some Issues to be Considered when Conducting a Hazard Risk Assessment of Operations in Ice
C – Ice Navigation Control Services
